In 2017, Leila Parnian was working at Parnian Furniture when a gentleman named Joe Polish walked in and was looking at furniture for his new home. He came across one of Leila’s “Silence Speaks” paintings and ask Leila for info on the artist. Leila told him that she was the artist and they immediately connected. Joe told Leila about his non-profit Genius Recovery – which aims at changing the global conversation about addiction and recovery. In October of 2018, Joe gave Leila the idea to do TheraPour ® & PartyPour ® on mannequins he had acquired. Joe asked Leila to display the mannequins at the prestigious event called the Genius Network Annual Meeting…which was 3 days later. Leila spent all Halloween day and night in Joe’s garage painting a few mannequins with TheraPour ® & PartyPour ®. A couple days later, the mannequins were on display on stage in front on hundreds of influential business entrepreneurs, musicians, athletes, etc. from around the world. Leila and Joe even posed with her first mannequin and Alice Cooper.

After the event, Leila took the mannequins to another level. She puts love into every mannequin. She takes the used mannequins that are broken and damaged and puts hours into cleaning, sanding, priming, painting and finishing each mannequin with a poem or words. They are called the “Love Addiction” mannequins. They each tell a story from Leila’s past. But what they also represent is that the mannequin is the addict, and Leila is the source of hope and help that Genius Recovery provides for addicts. 

Proceeds from each mannequin sale goes to Genius Recovery non-profit organization.

Mannequin Art Gallery